Bens School

Bens believe in partnering with our valued customers, our Audit and Accountancy advisory would be pleased to share latest updates about Vat Accounting, Vat Services, Vat Return Process in Dubai Etc. Best practices and educational tips with you. We encourage you for a continuous contact with Bens advisory. Feel free to contact us.

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Vat Registration started in UAE

Register Online today or Seek Support from Bens CA This is important to register your business as early as possible; usually, FTA takes 20 working days to complete registration! We understand you have many questions to ask, please feel free to throw your questions to be answered by our tax exper...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
VAT Update - Things to note now

We all know VAT is started. The transition to a VAT likely requires significant resources and it is recommended that businesses start planning now for the VAT, as the expected changes required to comply with the tax will require a significant lead time to design and...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Comprehensive guide on Vat Registration in UAE

Value Added Tax (VAT) has become obligatory for almost all businesses in the UAE. So, the companies can register for VAT free of cost as per the guidelines of the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). The applications are accepted 24/7 through the official website of the FTA. Here arises a question of ...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
VAT Services in Dubai – influences in 2018

VAT services in Dubai – As of January 1st, 2018, the Dubai government decided to stop over-reliance on the oil generated revenue.In order to generate enough revenue to invest in the county’s infrastructure, the government has to raise the tax.The VAT was raised by 5% among the UAE coun...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Vat in UAE - Fines & Penalties

All the registered businesses in the UAE are subject to FTA tax laws and VAT regulations. New companies who are struggling with new VAT regulations must get a consultation because in case of non-compliance, businesses will have to face hefty penalties as imposed by the FTA. In case of non-co...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Excise Tax UAE: Everything You Need To Know

Domestic Excise Tax Law was introduced by the United Arab Emirates in 2017. The import and production of certain goods are liable to tax. As per this, the business people have to pay tax if the excise products are transported from certain zones. Owing to this, companies should have proper knowle...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
The Best Vat Consultants in Sharjah

Vat Consultancy in UAE has a good chance to give about the witness  of  VAT rules from the beginning of January in 2018. Catering to the needs of Small and Medium Enterprise Business, Ben’s Auditor aims to provide highly affordable and quality services of Accurate Accounting, CFO se...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
6 Tips to choose the best vat firm in dubai to file vat return in UAE

For so long, Dubai’s tax system has been the most simple and straightforward. But with help of Best Vat firms in Dubai is the key to reduce over-reliance on oil-generated revenue, most UAE countries decided to introduce VAT effective from 1st January 2018 to help get enough resources for infr...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
UAE Vat Refresher

Bens School continuously educating its valued clients and business partners. VAT and VAT Service in Dubai is a relatively old subject in UAE now however the basic knowledge and capability are lacking in the market. BensCA VAT refreshers will help business owners to understand VAT basics and how to b...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
How to Calculate VAT in UAE

VAT is a form of a consumption tax that is applied at each stage to all the goods and services as mandated under the VAT Law or Federal Decree-Law No. 8 of 2017. Since its implementation in January 2018, all the businesses in the UAE are responsible for registering for VAT or face hefty penaltie...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
How to file VAT Return in UAE and Pay Vat

VAT Return Filing in UAE: Value Added Tax, called VAT, is implemented in UAE from Jan 1st, 2018. In the first phase Vat in implemented in UAE and KSA; however, the other GCC countries will implement Vat in 2019 as per reports as of today. Bahrain already approved the Vat law while Oman is exp...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Vat Consultants in UAE – Choosing the Right Tax Consultant

Well before you get your VAT registration in UAE, I would recommend you should choose the right VAT Consultant by initiating a thorough screening process. There is a lot of mushrooming growth of VAT Consultants in UAE which makes it even tougher to choose the right partner; however,...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
How To Appeal on VAT Penalties in UAE

A cursory glance at the present scenario of the UAE reveals that the VAT regime has started to settle in the UAE as the individuals and businesses alike have understood the fundamentals of the newly introduced tax system.  However, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of VAT penal...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Vat Implications On Healthcare Services In UAE

The VAT implications on the healthcare sector are quite complicated as many industries related to healthcare are producing, supplying, and administering a wide range of services. What’s more complicated is that the healthcare industry has taxable, zero-rated, and exempt supplies. UAE ...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
What are Direct And Indirect Taxes? - Explained with Examples

The citizens of every country are liable to pay tax under some rules and regulations. There is no exemption for the tax if the people of that country are using services and availing the facilities. The time and the person you pay the tax may vary, but the tax you pay always goes to the government'...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Optimise Vat Tax Liability, Increase Profits

What is Vat? A value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax; it is an indirect tax paid by the end-user or consumer. It is collected by the value-adding party on behalf of the government and pays to the government the difference between the Vat Collected and Vat Paid. How does it work? VA...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
FTA Reduced Vat Penalties

UAE Announces reduction in VAT Administrative Penalties by Cabinet Decision no. 49 of 2021 that will be applicable 60 days from April 28, 2021. Bens Chartered Accountants is pleased to share the great gesture by FTA to combat the impact of Covid19 on businesses. Key highlights of the decision...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
A Complete Guide on VAT Reverse Charge Mechanism in UAE

The United Arab Emirates has a solid VAT handbook in place to make the individuals and businesses compliant. Whether it's an import from outside the UAE or an export to another country, the VATable transactions are mentioned in detail. Businesses involved in importing and exporting need to under...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Reduce VAT Liability, Increase Profits

April 5, 2021   What is Vat? A value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax, it is an indirect tax paid by end user or consumer. It is collected by the value adding party on behalf of the government and pay to government the difference of the Vat Collected and Vat Paid. ...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
UAE Corporate Tax

Jan 01, 2022 UAE Announced Corporate TaxEffective from June 2023 Tax rate: 0% for taxable income up to AED 375,000 9% for taxable income exceeding AED 375,000UAE Corporate...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
UAE Corporate Tax (UAECT) Public Consultation Document

Update- UAE Corporate Tax (UAECT) May 6th, 2022 In continuation of the UAE Corporate Tax alerts, we tried to cover the ministry release of public consultation document in which ministry seek inputs from various sector on tax legislation. We will continue sharing the development on UAEC...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Vat in UAE and FAQ

We, at Bens CA, ensure our valued clients/business partners remain on top of changing business dynamics in UAE especially on VAT. In this edition, we would like to share the latest information our VAT experts in UAE are getting from MOF/FTA and other professional platforms. To make it easy and relev...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
VAT Amendments in UAE

VAT AmendmentsOct 26, 2022 Amendments in UAE VAT Law Introduction:The UAE government made amendments to in VAT Law (Federal Decree Law no 8 of 2017) through the Federal Decree Law no 18 of 2022. Below educational summary is based on unofficial translation, this is not an advisory neithe...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Kingdom of Bahrain (Bahrain VAT)   VAT was first introduced in the Kingdom on 1 January 2019 with standard rate of 5%. Businesses are liable to comply with VAT laws and regulations. The recommendation is to plan for it, consult internally and if required e...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Corporate Tax Assessment and Implementation

Corporate Tax-Assessment and Implementation   Time to Assess your business… The Corporate Law has been published by the ministry, it is time for businesses to conduct Tax Assessments, adjust policies and procedures and implement the recommendations made by a Tax Consultant. This...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
Corporate Tax Registration in UAE

FTA opened Corporate Tax RegistrationFTA is now inviting businesses to register for UAE Corporate Tax, the registration is opened for two types of legal persons:Private Companies including an Establishment.Public Joint Stock Companies.FTA will announce registration of other legal persons later.How t...

Vat Return Process in Dubai
KSA Withholding Tax Impact on UAE Businesses

KSA Withholding Tax Impact on UAE Businesses, how to claim withholding tax in UAE and Strategies to Minimize Deductions   What is Withholding Tax in KSA? Withholding Tax (WHT) in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is a tax deducted at source on payments made to non-resident entities for services...